The acupressure D-shaped pillow helps relieve both physical and mental stress. Simply by lying on it, thousands of acupressure points will stimulate nerves, accelerate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This relieves headaches, back, neck, shoulder, and sciatic pain which improves sleep, circulation, mood, and energy levels.
Relieve physical & mental stress
Accelerate blood circulation
Improves sleep & mood
Product Details
Brand: Yoga-Mad
Material: 100% cotton canvas fabric
Colour: Graphite
Dimensions: 39cm (L) x 12.5cm (H)
Weight: 800g
The acupressure D-shaped pillow helps relieve both physical and mental stress. Simply by lying on it, thousands of acupressure points will stimulate nerves, accelerate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This relieves headaches, back, neck, shoulder, and sciatic pain which improves sleep, circulation, mood, and energy levels.
Relieve physical & mental stress
Accelerate blood circulation
Improves sleep & mood
Product Details
Brand: Yoga-Mad
Material: 100% cotton canvas fabric
Colour: Graphite
Dimensions: 39cm (L) x 12.5cm (H)
Weight: 800g